
Frequently Asked Questions

How often are classes held?

A majority of classes are held once a week with a few exceptions for short, fast-paced courses. An example of this would be the Chemistry Summer Course. Due to this course being a whole year of material being taught in six weeks, we conduct these classes twice a week. Regular subjects and course tutoring are usually once a week. If you have any questions or requests for classes to be conducted more often, please do not hesitate to reach out.

What curriculum/material does Accelerate Tutors follow?

Our team understands that not all students are from the same schooling district. We use the NJ Common Core curriculum in order to provide the best possible education to all. For students who reside in the South Brunswick Township, we are able to give advice on teachers and difficulty of classes, as well as targeted learning towards a particular subject using our personal experiences.

What is the pricing for classes?

Our mission is to provide FREE tutoring for any students that come to us. There is no tuition that needs to be paid to be tutored by our team. However, if you enjoy and appreciate our tutoring, we are grateful for any donations which can be made using the donate tab at the top of our site. Donations help us provide additional learning resources for our students.

How do I know Accelerate Tutors is credible and will be able to provide the best education to my child?

Accelerate Tutors prioritizes their students' education over anything else. We ensure that our tutors are high achieving individuals with the teaching abilities to aid our students in their educational journey through grade school. We conduct interviews and mock lessons with prospective tutors to make certain that they will be able to give you or your child quality lessons. For additional information about the Accelerate Tutors team, refer to our Team Stats under the About Us page!

Is Accelerate Tutors registered as a non-profit organization?

We are proud to inform our students and parents that we are now a registered business and nonprofit operating with 501(c)(3) status in the state of New Jersey. This allows for us to provide the best tutoring experience for our students while supplementing our tutors with volunteer hours for their great work!

How long are classes?

Classes are usually one hour long. However, if a student feels he/she needs additional help, our tutors will be glad to extend our tutoring sessions!